Modernds is one of Scotland’s largest kitchen wrap companies, specialist in kitchen wrapping we are committed to providing the highest quality service to our customers. When your kitchen was fitted it was not designed or done in a way that makes stripping it back and wrapping easy.  Although our team are highly experienced in this despite our best efforts sometimes things can go wrong. If you have concerns or dissatisfied in any way, then we will always do our best to resolve the situation in a fair and transparent way. Modernds will investigate all complaints competently, diligently and impartially, obtaining additional information when necessary. Your complaint will be assessed fairly, considering all relevant factors and in accordance to our terms and conditions. 

Our Commitment to you:

We’ll thoroughly investigate your complaint and offer a fair response that will take into account all the information available to us.

We may not always provide the answer you are looking for but we’ll do our best to offer a clear explanation for our decision.

If you are unhappy with the decision you can request that the case be reviewed by senior member of the modernds team.

Do you have a complaint about your kitchen wrap?

Step 1 of 3
This should be the email you originally booked in with.
This will be a 4 digit number that you can find on your sign off sheet or alternatively this will be in the e-mails from us.
To save time and allow us to resolve any issues quickly you must supply true and detailed information.
Our team and suppliers are well versed in all things vinyl related. This means we will know right away from the information if this issue has in fact happened before or after sign off.
As our terms and conditions state issues that could be fixed by our installers before leaving can be chargeable.
If you or another contractor have done any damage we wont seek to profit from this we only ask our customers to cover the costs and be honest
The more detail we have the better to help us understand what has happened and what is needed to repair.